I'm pretty pumped for working on the Vox 5 App. I think the whole concept is really innovative and potentially helpful in my future career. It's a new challenge that I can't wait to participate in. I think the trickiest part for me would be to create the design in both a horizontal and vertical format.
Right now, I think the Vox 5 App is at a great start. However, I would like to see more out of it. I looked at Esquire's innovative app and I pulled a few ideas that I thought Vox could eventually adapt from. I think Vox could eventually have interactive animations that the user could have more fun with than stagnant pages.
First idea is that Esquire uses illustrations in their app to explain different stories.
For example, in this certain issue, Esquire uses an interactive animation to show the future reproduction of the World Trade Center.
In this animation, they had an illustrator draw the blueprint of the building and the user could touch different parts of it to show exactly what that is.
In another issue, Esquire uses a 360 animation to show men's fashion.
I feel like this animation would be easier to accomplish because it uses photos, rather than an illustration, to give the app a little more oomph.
Esquire also uses videos as stories, such as the one David Granger showed us of Ryan Gosling when he came to visit the journalism school.
I think the combination of animation, interaction and videos would give the Vox 5 App a little more excitement and attract more users. I understand that this is probably easier said than done, but hey, we could always use a little challenge, right?
Great stuff. Esquire is always doing exciting things with new technology and I loved the images you put up, since I don't have an iPad and often miss this side of the magazine.